Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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porosity, temperature, heat transpor

How to Cite

Su’udy, A., Siswanto, E., & Soenoko, R. (2017). KARAKTERISTIK TRANSPORT KALOR PADA SISTEM PENDINGIN (SIMULASI) MOTOR BAKAR MENGGUNAKAN POROUS MEDIA. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 709 -714. Retrieved from


Internal combustion engine is an engine that is old enough and today has many alternative energy
that is found to shift from the role of engine, cooling system in internal combustion engine, if not
handled properly will cause something that is fatal is the occurrence of over heating. Cooling has
been using fin and radiator. On the other hand, research continues to develop in terms of heat
transfer, using porous media, with the help of computer simulation, the role of fin and radiator can
be replaced with porous media with porosity variation 10%, 15%, 20% , 25%, so it will get the
temperature distribution that occurs. The result of the research by using simulation shows that the
porosity value of porous media, the temperature distribution value is also bigger. The lower
porosity porosity of the media then the value of (h) the heat transfer coefficient will increase.

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