Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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android, game, introduction media, javanese script.

How to Cite

Nisa, P., Maknunah, J., & Syaifulloh, A. (2017). GAME APLIKASI PENGENALAN AKSARA JAWA “HANACARAKA” BERBASIS ANDROID. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 756 - 765. Retrieved from


Indonesia has varieties of cultures as well as languages, and for its own languages differs into the
National Language of Indonesia and Regional Language. Bahasa Indonesia is the official
language of the Republic of Indonesia and the Regional Language is a language different from the
official language in many regions across Indonesia and is used by some citizens of the regions such
as Aceh Language, Banjar Language, Balinese Language, Sundanese, Batak Language, Madurese
Language, Dayak, Javanese and many more. As for now, Javanese Language script became one of
the local content subjects in elementary school which regions using Javanese Language as local
language, including at Belimbing State Junior High School 4 Malang in East Java Province.
However, many students who do not know the writing of Javanese Language script or its origin,
which is caused by some of the factors, and one of them is learning Java script which during this
time allocated only 1-2 hours per week. This allocation is lacking, given the many competences of
reading and writing Java that must be mastered by the students. Based on existing problems it is
necessary to develop methods such as media introduction of Javanese Language script in the form
of games that will help understanding the Javanese Language script, as well as a medium in
delivering cultural information about the history of Javanese Language script and also increasing
student interest in learning Javanese Language script. The creation of the game introduction game
"Java-based" Hanacaraka "android as an effort to preserve the Java language.

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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