Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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fertile period, calendar method, android, menstrual cycle

How to Cite

Atika, S., Yunus, M., & Primandari, L. (2017). APLIKASI PENGHITUNG MASA SUBUR WANITA BERBASIS ANDROID. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 699 - 708. Retrieved from


The fertile window is a period in a woman's menstrual cycle where an egg is ready to be fertilized,
so if a woman is having a sexual intercourse, a conception will be resulted. Married women need
to pay attention to the fertile window in both pregnancy program and delay pregnancy program.
However, women's menstrual cycle is irregular every month. Not all women mark their menstrual
cycle. The reasons are various, one of which is not having time to write it on the notebook or being
too busy marking the calendar. If married women are able to know their fertile window quickly,
pregnancy program or delay pregnancy program will be easier to do. Based on the importance of
acknowledging the fertile window, it is necessary to develop an ovulation calculator Android-based
application for women. This study was conducted with the aim to facilitate married women in
calculating their fertile window. The method used in this research is the calendar method, where
the calculation is based on the data of the fertile window. The results of this study indicate that the
ovulation calculator application which has been developed are able to determine the fertile
window quickly and provide information about women's health.

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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