Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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android application, calories burned, diet, harris benedict.

How to Cite

Azizah, F., Akhriza, T., & Prasetyo, A. (2017). APLIKASI ANDROID UNTUK MEMBANTU PROGRAM DIET BERBASIS AKTIVITAS. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 587 - 597. Retrieved from


Health is a primary requirement for every human being. Personal health can be obtained by
maintaining a regular diet and exercise. However, due to a lack of society knowledge about balanced
dietary intake and caloric needs to perform daily activities, this situation makes them difficult to
determine the amount of calories in food and caloric needs needed for their bodies. Nowadays
smartphone with Android has become a necessity for humans. Therefore, to facilitate the society in
calculating the calorie needs and food nutrition intake, this work proposes an android-based
applications to assist people in their diet programs based on sports activities. The application
calculates the ideal body weight, the number of calories needed by the body and provides information
about the nutritional content of the food as well as added counters the number of calories burned
given two types of sports activity options i.e. walking and running. The method used to calculate the
caloric needs is the Harris Benedict method, while for calorie burning the calorie exercise formula
is applied. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the developed application in providing
information about control weight, nutritional intake of food and calories needed for their bodies.

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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