visualization, IT skillset, emerging skillset, android, aprioriAbstract
he level of competition of Information Technology (IT) graduates to get work that suits their skills
will be higher along with the rapid development of IT in the information age. Although job vacancy
information is already widespread, but based on research so far it has been found that none of the
search engine-based web-based vacancies provide facilities capable of visualizing the IT skillset.
The available information is mostly textual, so skill groups that need to be mastered by IT graduates
to find work where the skill groups are dominating the job market can not be known effectively. This
research proposes a solution using the exploration method of emerging skillset. In addition it is also
used Apriori method to find skillset most often mentioned in job advertisement from one period to
another period. Emerging skillset is evaluated by observing the growth of skillset's support from one
period to another. The visualization of emerging skillset is displayed through Smartphone which is
an android app. Experimental results show that the visualization apps can show emerging skillsets
including the associated skills and are currently surfacing in job advertisements opened in two
different periods more effectively and efficiently
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