klengkeng pingpong, srikaya jumbo, catfish, goat.Abstract
This integrated agricultural system aims to increase the productivity of yard land and community
welfare. KKN-PPM is done in the village Kedunglerep, district Modo, Lamongan district. This
activity aims to: (1) increase the participation, empathy, interaction and concern of students of
Darul 'Ulum Lamongan Islamic University to low income villagers; (2) improvement of family
income through technology of crop, livestock and fish integration system and agricultural
processing technology; (3) optimizing the use of yard land; (4) applying science togetherness from
students of different majors; (5) increase: leadership, work ethic, self-reliance and entrepreneurial
spirit for students. (6) get partners to support the sustainability of this activity. The method of
implementation, begins with the planning of the program by conducting field surveys and
interviews to villagers Kedunglerep about the potential and problems and commodities that need
to be developed in Lamongan region. Student activity is cultivation of Klenggeng Pingpong,
srikaya jumbo, chilli, eggplant, tomato, family medicine plant, organic fertilizer manufacture,
catfish nuget making, instant ginger and cultivation of catfish and goat breeding. The results of
community service activities show that members of the village community Kedunglerep, Modo,
Lamongan very high participation and involvement in implementing this program. This is
evidenced by his involvement at the time of application activities.
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