Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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Branding, Website, Social Media, Sales Turnover

How to Cite

Jatmika, S., Aprilianto, T., & Prasetyo, B. (2017). E-MARKETING DENGAN MEDIA JEJARING SOSIAL UNTUK PENINGKATAN OMSET PENJUALAN. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 646 - 654. Retrieved from


Rool Egg Vegetable, Vegetable Sticks, Dodol Milk, Milk Sticks, Carang Mas Apples, Onion
Crackers, Candies Tape, Tomato Dates and Honey Apples are processed products featured Madiredo
village district. Pujon where the products are raw materials obtained from agriculture in Maddalo
village itself, especially in Sumberedo village where raw materials for the above products are very
abundant. Even if the raw material is plentiful mothers (group POSDAYA Manalagi VI and VII) that
there is not dare to maximum production caused by the constraints of marketing or sales factor, the
resulting product can not last long because it is processed naturally without preservatives. The main
problem is that there is no budget for promotional costs and lack of skills training in the field of
promotion. In connection with the problems encountered by POSDAYA Manalagi VI and VII
Sumbermulyo hamlet in terms of marketing of processed products Madirejo village kec. Pujon, in
Community Service in accordance with the agreement of POSDAYA Manalagi VI and VII then
realized the website and engineering applications or membranding sell products through social media
networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Google+). The success rate of Community Service
program is measured by the realization of website application and selling technique through social
media network (facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blog and Google+) so as to increase the sales
turnover and make the typical tourist village of processed products.

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