fish home, transplant table, and fish apartmenAbstract
The purpose of community service is; First the formation of fishermen groups as guard groups and
treat of facilities that have been installed on the seabed; Second counseling about the use and care
of fish houses, transplant tables, as well as fish apartments. The method or approach taken to
achieve the goal is through counseling in the form of lectures and displaying videos related to fish
houses that have been installed on the seabed. The main speaker in the counseling apart from the
IbM Program team is also a speaker from the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Central
Sulawesi Province. Method of conducting situation analysis, observation, and result of counseling
then IbM team can form 2 group of fishermen consist of each 17 people. The first group was named
LERBON and the second group was named BONDA JAYA, with the main task of maintaining and
maintaining fish houses, transplantation tables, and fish apartments from the sea level, especially
keeping people unaware and obedient to the rules because people were not allowed to fish in the
area. Furthermore, the results of counseling team of the Department of Marine and Fisheries
Province on IbM program obtained the results of exposure to the condition of facilities that haveĀ been installed on the seabed. Among others; fish house (fish home), transplantation table, and fish
apartments have shown encouraging results where what is expected is that the growth of reefs that
grow on the facility facilities already exist. The yield of its size has grown from about 0.8 cm to 1.0
cm per year as well as the previously planted grouper seedlings have grown in various sizes. This
indicates that the small size of the child from seeds that have been stocked before and has been
playing around the fish house that has been installed on the seabed. And began to be visited with
other types of fish such as lobster shrimp, squid, etc.
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