Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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SME, performance, competence development, business strategy

How to Cite

Haryono, A., Natsir, M., & Suprayitno, A. (2017). PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI WIRAUSAHA MELALUI PERUBAHAN STRATEGI USAHA UNTUK KINERJA YANG BERKELANJUTAN. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 455 - 467. Retrieved from


Development of small and micro entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still constrained many problems,
but the capital is always the reason. In fact the phenomenon in the field does not show such things,
education, entrepreneurship motivation, competition, business protection, empowerment becomes
a problem that requires a touch in the development of entrepreneurship. The purpose of this
research is to continuously develop the existence of small and micro business by increasing the
competence of entrepreneurs through the change of business strategy for sustainable performance.
In addition, this research is based on Dajani research articles (2013) on empowerment of migrant
women entrepreneurs in the Middle East. The recommendation of the research result is to further
explore the impact of entrepreneurial existence for the economic development of society as a
whole. Method, Analysis is done with descriptive quantitative to strengthen the result of descriptive
analysis, that is by using frequency analysis to know responses of respondents on questionnaires
that spread to 110 respondents business actor. The results show that there are still many small
entrepreneurs who need protection, especially in the form of associations. The result of
quantitative analysis shows that the performance of small and micro business actors is still
relatively stagnant because the competence of business actors is still lacking, but business strategy
is preferred for business performance can be improved. So for the small and micro business actors
required a sustainable business strategy to continue to exist by improving the competence of the
abilities of entrepreneurs in entrepreneurship.

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