Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang


pendidikan humanistik

How to Cite

Sholikhah, K., & Habibah, S. (2017). PENDIDIKAN HUMANISTIK DI DESA DATINAWONG DUSUN TEGALREJO BABAT LAMONGAN. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 203 - 213. Retrieved from


The purpose of this research is to describe the values of humanistic education in a neighboring village hamlet Datinawong Tegalrejo. With the hope that the human humanistic education conscious and knows his position as caliph filardli.Knowing the importance of humanistic education in an effort to make a superior man, the man knows where he'll bring in the life of modern society, a pluralistic society, Muslims trying to discover, develop and strengthen its identity as the best race in the world. Researchers used descriptive qualitative method, by finding the facts and accuracy of interpretation. The data in this study is the observation data from the researcher to the values of humanistic education in the hamlet Tegalrejo. Sources of data obtained from documentation and informants. The data collection techniques do with documentation and interviews. Researchers are examining how the humanistic education that has been applied to people Tegalrejo Datinawong district. Babat Lamongan. In the current era mutaakhir humanistic education is needed to realize the humane society. There is an important note produced researchers are currently conducting research in the field, as follows: (1) Develop and foster positive values in society hamlet Tegalrejo, (2) To teach a moral message to humans, especially leaders, (3) Encourage to work hard for the sake of himself and common interest, (4) Strengthen and develop personal character, identity and resilience of the nation is powerful, and robust.



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