Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang


masyarakat ekonomi asean
pendidikan agama islam
karakter madani

How to Cite

Mahfud, C., & Muhibbin, Z. (2017). PENGEMBANGAN MATERI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM BERBASIS TECHNOPRENEURSHIP DAN KARAKTER MADANI. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 159 - 167. Retrieved from


Research on the development of Islamic material based on technopreneurship and characters is presented to answer the problem of the ASEAN economic community (MEA). This study was written using qualitative data sourced from references and literature books, news, journals and opinions in the mass media as well as other relevant sources. This study focuses on the following important questions: First, what are the contents of the Islamic education material at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya? Second, how is the development of Technopreneurship and Character-Based Islamic material at ITS Surabaya? Third, what is the relevance of the development of Islamic material based on technopreneurship and the civil character with the ASEAN economic community (MEA)? The results show that first, the content of Islamic education materials in ITS Surabaya relates to the concept of human relation with God, human beings relate to humans and human beings related to the universe. Second, the development of technopreneurship and civil character-based Islamic material in ITS is done to answer the needs and demands of the times. This is particularly the case in the character of civil society and democratic societies. Third, the relevance of the development of Islamic material based on technopreneurship and the civil character with the economic community of ASEAN (MEA) that lies in the needs of innovation, creativity and synergy. In the era of MEA, inevitably, the campus should have a culture of innovation, creative and synergies to realize a university graduate is superior, reliable and professional.



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