

teknologi informasi, perilaku masyarakat, pemberdayaan masyarakat


Information technology encourages every human being to share information from science, politic, economic, social to culture without space and time as border. But this is contrary to community in Sidomulyo Pagerwojo Tulungagung, who have not been able to access various information easily from outside, because there is no cellular network or internet. At the end of 2016, Village Chief of Sidomulyo, has built a tower, in cooperation with PT Telkomsel. It makes the community behavior change and have implications on the village economy. This study aims to analyze the impact of information technology on the village community behavior in Sidomulyo and analyze the differences in community behavior, before and after the existence of information technology. The method used is qualitative research with research study of community behavior of village Sidomulyo. The activity of implementing the research objectives was carried out by a collaborative participatory approach between Village Chief, the community and researcher. The results showed that the community felt the ease of communicating and accessing information with this information technology by using mobile phones and laptops, as well as changes in the community behavior before and after the existence of information technology, such as mindset and lifestyle will be better.


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