Coreldraw, Photoshop, Applications comparison, Pattern batik motivesAbstract
Making a batik wrote manually by potters batik is one of the key constraints in production process
because length of time needed to process of making pattern batik, because to do by a particular
person in making handmade batik the pattern. The progression of the technology graphic design aims
at providing easier way health providers available for its batik makers even though batik makers do
not have any permit the capability of being be denied political representation in makes patterns still
produce handmade batik. The progression of the technology graphic design aims at providing easier
way health providers available for its batik makers even though batik makers do not have any permit
the capability of being be denied political representation in makes patterns still produce handmade
batik. Applications were used is coreldraw and photoshop who have the ability in process a graphic
image.Second application it has different capabilities in dealing with a picture pattern batik.
Comparison was done with two this program is ease in makes patterns batik of the tools of each the
application. Comparison done an examination of complexity use and tool available on both
application the graphic. The result of comparison it may be used as the level of easier as well as the
due to the complexity of application usage graphics in addressing a man is sir and to process a
pattern still produce handmade batik . The result of comparison can be used as an application
for makers supporting pattern batik in ease the making pattern batik and enrich and
modifying of a pattern batik existing .The results of comparison that has been done showed
that graphic application of coreldraw having a level the ability easier in making pattern
handmade batik