Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
Eksistensi Transportasi Online (Go Food ) Terhadap Omzet Bisnis Kuliner Di Kota Malang
Senasif 2018
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


online transportation
income and culinary business

How to Cite

Hidayatullah, S., Waris, A., Permata, Y., Adrian, T., Sarwinda, N., Lestari, F., & Eka, A. (2018). Eksistensi Transportasi Online (Go Food ) Terhadap Omzet Bisnis Kuliner Di Kota Malang. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 2(1), 1423 - 1429. Retrieved from


This study discusses how the influence of the existence of online transportation and income on the turnover of culinary business in Malang City. This research can be categorized in quantitative research because the data obtained in the form of numbers derived from the questionnaire, while the research approach is included in the survey. The results of this study are Online Transportation Existence having significant influence either partially or together with income in increasing Culinary Business Turnover in Malang City. The existence of Online Transportation is also the dominant variable in increasing the turnover of culinary business in Malang City.

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)