Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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ndustrial work practice, world of work

How to Cite

Musthofa, M., Suswanto, H., & Nyoto, A. (2017). ANALISIS PRAKTIK KERJA INDUSTRI SISWA SMK DALAM MENYESUAIKAN KEBUTUHAN DUNIA KERJA. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 244 - 251. Retrieved from


The high percentage of open unemployment rate among vocational graduates shows that SMK
graduates have not been able to meet the demands of the world of work. The size of the world of
work in viewing the competence of vocational school graduates is to pay attention to the quality
and level of work productivity. Therefore, education in vocational schools has the responsibility
to prepare skills and job skills and readiness both mentally in entering the workforce. One of the
efforts of vocational education to form students work skills or readiness of students through the
provision of knowledge, skills, and the formation of work attitude in accordance with the real
needs of DUDI through Industrial Work Practice. Purpose Writer of this article to conduct a
study of SMK in order to be able to print graduates who can keep up with developments in the
Industry. This study is divided into several subjects such as: (1) The relationship between SMK
with the Industrial World, (2) Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin), (3) Implementation of
Industrial Practices with the Needs of the World of Work.

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