Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Malang
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teaching factory, job readiness, SMK, learning model

How to Cite

Putri, D., Isnandar, I., & Handayani, A. (2017). OVERVIEW PELAKSANAAN TEACHING FACTORY TERHADAP KESIAPAN KERJA SISWA SMK MEMASUKI DUNIA INDUSTRI. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 1(1), 238 - 243. Retrieved from


ocational education has a goal to prepare graduates to compete in the world of work
according to the department. Currently a lot of unemployment created from vocational
graduates. This is because the ability of students of SMK is not in accordance with the
desired industry. Job readiness is required by SMK graduates to be able to choose and
prepare themselves according to competence in entering the workforce. For that
required a curriculum that can shape the character and competence of students yaiu
curriculum 2013. Teaching factory is one form of learning that supports the curriculum
K13. This teaching factory model aims to improve the productive competence of SMK
students by using six steps, namely to accept the order giver, analyze the order, declare
the readiness to do the order, do the order, do the quality control, and submit the order.
Vocational education is what prepares to have a profession that is in accordance with
the field of expertise. The approach taken to determine the impact of this teaching
factory with observations on teachers and students involved. So it can be concluded that
with experience knowing the conditions in the industry from the teaching factory then students can have readiness work in accordance with the industry. Readiness work will
also have an effect to reduce the unemployment rate caused by SMK graduates.

PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)


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